Service Prices

Dental Brücken- Verfahren

A den­tal bridge can last bet­ween ten and fif­teen years depen­ding on how well you look after your oral health.

Non Metal Crown

The­se crowns have a vast­ly supe­ri­or appearance to con­ven­tio­nal crowns. All cera­mic crowns are more bio­com­pa­ti­ble mea­ning that the body accepts them more naturally.

Porcelain bonded to metal

This is the most com­mon­ly used crown. They are excel­lent for back tee­th but are not used as often on front teeth.

Full metal crown

They can be made from dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als but we choo­se eit­her cast gold alloy or mil­led titanium.

Braces for Kids

Invi­sa­lign signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ces hygie­nic and aes­the­tic limi­ta­ti­ons asso­cia­ted with braces.

Braces for Adults

Invi­sa­lign uses a series of clear, pla­s­tic remo­va­ble appli­ances (‘ali­gners’) that gent­ly move tee­th to their desi­red final positions.

Deep Whitening

Zahn­auf­hel­lung ist ein siche­res Ver­fah­ren, das die Far­be Ihrer Zäh­ne durch Ver­wen­dung eines siche­ren Zahn­bleich­mit­tels auf­hel­len kann. 


An implant sta­bi­li­zed den­ture is when a small num­ber of implants sta­bi­li­se your den­ture. This is simi­lar to fixed implant sup­port­ed den­ture with the excep­ti­on that you can take it out each night and clean it.


A fixed over­den­ture is atta­ched to your jaw with den­tal implants. The advan­ta­ge of this sys­tem is that you only need 4–6 implants to replace all the tee­th on your upper or lower jaw.

Oral Health Consultation

If you are loo­king for the best long-term, healt­hy opti­on to repla­cing miss­ing tee­th look no fur­ther than implant sup­port­ed overdentures.

Standard Whitening

The tee­th whitening pro­cess invol­ves the use of a blea­ching agent, which is appli­ed direct­ly to the tee­th to ligh­ten them through a che­mi­cal process.